Monday, July 30, 2012


So, I have approximately 7 weeks left before the Tri.  I haven't been training NEAR enough.  I'm lucky if I get one swim and one bike in per week.  Haven't worked on running at all.  This week I have set up a plan for myself.  My goal is to get in 2 swims, 2 bikes, and 3 runs.  I am doing more runs because I need more work in that area.  I also penciled it out as to which day I will do what.  This way, I have a plan and I know what to expect.  Monday-swim, Tuesday-bike, Wednesday-run, Thursday-rest, Friday-swim (morn)/run (eve), Saturday-bike, and Sunday-run. 

I did go to the pool this morning and swam.  The tri has a 500 meter swim.  I have been doing 700 meters (28 lengths) that way I know I will be ready.  I haven't done it all without stopping for a little rest though.  Last week, I went 2 lengths and rested.  Today, I went 3 lengths and rested.  I figure I will slowly continue until I can do the entire thing without stopping.  Once I become a little more comfortable, I'm going to find some resources (books, online, other people) and improve my technique.  I try to watch other swimmers when I'm there... sometimes creeping them out, I think.  haha  A couple weeks ago, I was watching the guy next to me from under water (he didn't know it, I was just watching when he went zooming by me)... I wanted to see exactly what he was doing with his arms under the water... I don't think I do it right with good form. 

I plan on biking tomorrow.  I am going to go to Mapleton and back.  That should be 14 miles.  The tri is a little over a 12 mile bike.  I don't know if there are going to be a lot of hills or not.  The ride to Mapleton and back is basically flat.  I will soon be venturing out on the other roads that lead out of Danbury.  They all have good sized hills.  I think when I get closer to the race, I'm going to go to Albrecht's bike shop in Sioux City and have them show me how to change the tube in my tire.  In the triathlon book I'm reading now, not knowing how to do that and not carrying the supplies to do this isn't even an option.  I would hate to be in the race and get a flat and not know what to do.

Running on Wednesday.  ....yay...  The running leg isn't my favorite but I know it will be one of the most important to train for.  The running is last and I'm going to be worn out from swimming and biking.  I know that I can walk the whole time... but who wants to do that?  I have to be prepared.  I will start slow and work up to whatever I can do.

I didn't have a weight change last week.  Probably due to all the junk I've been eating lately.  Right this minute, I feel very focused.  I know I can do well, I know I can succeed.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Workout week

This week I am going to be a workout queen!  Last week, I basically didn't workout.  I think 1 or 2 days I went for a short bike ride.  Not to make excuses but... it was hard to find time.  I worked days every day and Jeremy worked basically every day (he works nights)  So... he wasn't home early enough for me to leave early in the morning to go to the gym before work and I had to come home right after work to get the kids from day care.  We did all go swimming on Friday.  I'm so glad I decided to make that a goal.  The kids have so much fun... so do I! :)  Especially now that I'm more confident in a swimming suit.

Saturday, I wore a pair of shorts that I wore the summer before I got pregnant with Brayden!  This is also awesome because they aren't from Lane Bryant!  They are from the GAP!!  I haven't had clothes from anywhere besides Lane Bryant in a really long time!

Last week, I was down 2 lbs.  I started back on my Weigh Wednesday schedule.  I had lost that from the previous Friday.  My plan is to lose 4 lbs per week for the next two weeks (to start with).  That will get me to my goal of 258 lbs by August 1st.

To help me with my goals, I bought an exercise log book.  This thing is awesome!  It is perfect for me!  I can set goals, write down cardio, weights with reps and pounds, flexibility and balance, nutrition, and you evaluate yourself.  I like that I can look back and see how far I've come.  Also, that I can set goals and work to reach those goals.  I believe that I will workout more often with this book.  I'm pretty excited!!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

It's Official!!

First... I'm back in the game! :)

Second... drum roll please.... I am now under what I was at my first Dr's appt. with Brayden!!  So, the last time I was this weight was September 2004!!  Right now I'm at 272 lbs.  It feels awesome!!

Also, I tried on some jeans today.  I fit into the 18's!!

I decided to make a list of goals for July.  Here they are...

-Read Habits of Health 5-10 minutes a day (this is the book that came with TSFL)
-go to the gym 3 days/week (I'm going to try to swim or run on treadmill to prepare for the TRI)
-Ride bike 3 days/week
-Keep dishes clean (this way I have no excuse to prepare a healthy meal)
-work on decluttering my bedroom (one important aspect of weight loss is a good nights sleep and a nice     sleeping environment.  My bedroom is a cluttered mess!)
-take kids swimming at least once/week (I get caught up in all sorts of stuff and I don't want to forget about making sure their summer is fun!)
-Organize 5&1 a day ahead (this way I don't have to think about what I'm going to have the next day... or have to rush to throw it in my lunch bag)
-have snacks available & ready (so I'm not tempted to eat off plan)
-$2.00 in jar for every day on plan (incentive to keep me on track)
-August 1st 258 lbs

The other day I biked around town.  I pulled the girls behind me in the trailer.  I went 13.69 miles!  I could have kept going too, but it was getting dark. 

I went to the gym to swim twice last week.  The first time I did 13 laps (to the other side and back) and the second time I did 12 laps.  The triathlon has a 500 meter swim.  So, I have to work up to doing 10 laps without stopping. 

I have a long ways to go before I'm ready, but thank goodness, I have 10 weeks to prepare!  I'm most nervous about what I'm going to be able to wear!!  Hopefully, I'll be quite a bit smaller by then so I'll have more options on what I can buy that's my size.