As for me... I NEED to get back into a better routine ...any routine!! Our family got a membership to our town's "Rec Center". It's the old public school that the city bought and they have it set up pretty nice. The have a good sized room with workout equipment, the gym (of course) the stage of the gym has a batting cage, they have a rec room (or game room) with TV, air hockey, foosball, pool table, and table tennis. The second floor of the school is used by a gal that has a second hand store and the third floor of the school is set up for an archery club... they took the walls out between the classrooms and have targets set up at one end. I have been wanting to get a bow for quite some time and was really excited when they set that up up there. My son has a starter bow and last night he practiced with it. Today, as a Christmas present to each other, Jeremy and I bought a bow!!! I'm soo excited to start using it!
Also, my sister and I went to the gym and played volleyball with other people in my town that get together. They get together every Wednesday night. It was so fun! I could use some practice, though! ...good thing nobody is really that good! haha I'm very excited to start using the gym and working out... I need it!!!
Today was a busy day... I also joined a DietBet! If you've never heard of this... you pay the starting price (mine was $30) and you have a month to lose 4% of your body weight. Whoever in the bet loses their 4% gets to split the pot! So, you should at least get your $30 back! :) You should join me!! It doesn't start for 6 more days so you have time to prepare! Join HERE!